CPA Surpasses 17,000 Acres of Open Space Preserved

Nov. 19, 2012: An analysis of recent CPA projects shows that preservation of land for open space and recreation increased by approximately 2,000 acres in FY2012, bringing the total to over 17,000 acres since CPA began in 2001. 

Each of the 148 CPA communities recently updated the statewide online CPA projects database, entering all projects approved in FY2012. The Coalition then tabulated statistics for each of the CPA program areas. As of June 30, 2012, over 5,500 CPA-funded projects had been approved, resulting in the creation or support of 5,767 housing units, the preservation of more than 17,000 acres of open space, funding for over 2,900 historic preservation projects, and the allocation of CPA funds for roughly 800 outdoor recreation projects.

At the November 6th elections, four cities and three towns voted to adopt CPA, bringing the total number to CPA communities to 155, or 44% of the municipalities in the state. Together, these communities have raised over $1 billion to date for community preservation funding statewide.