CPA Projects – Detailed Report

Project Information
Payson Park Revitalization Phase II
Payson Park is located at the intersections of Payson Road and Elm Street, Stults Road. and Stults Road and Van Ness Road. This application is the 2m1 phase of a two­phase plan in revitalizing Payson Park to improve safety and access. Working with the Department of Public Works, this 2nd phase seeks final design and construction administration costs to implement the design plan of the landscape architectural design firm, Activitas, Inc. which is best suited for the revitalization of the park. We are proposing to keep the original design of the park with the replacement of deteriorating features.  The benefit to the Town is to have the entire park made safer and more accessible to all: the center playing field will be made safer by having the grounds leveled and removed of debris on which children play soccer and T-ball; replace the crumbling perimeter foundation walls and repair the foundation wall around the Tot Lot; replace rusted and broken fencing along the perimeter; revitalize all entrances, including the replacement of two sets of cement staircases and add railings; replace a pebble pathway with paved walkways (minimally invasive to green space) around the park so visitors of all ages can access benches, tables, etc.; include a ground level, accessible, multi-use brick gathering area along the Elm St. walkway with benches .and picnic tables nearby; replace all deteriorating benches and tables; and replace the aged and rusting playground equipment (ages 2-5 and 6-12) with new up-to-code equipment.  Up-dated playground equipment will improve the safety of all who use it, including the daily visitors to the park as well as those who visit during an athletic, musical or celebratory event. The new benches and picnic tables will provide places for relaxation and activities. The paved walkway with the new gathering area along its path will serve as a safe and accessible venue for a host of events and activities that are permitted by the Recreation Commission, and by
Project in progress
Project Category
Project Details
Housing Units
CPA Funding
Other Funding Sources Leveraged
Total Project Cost
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