CPA Projects Database

City/Town Name Description Approval Date
Sudbury Sudbury Museum

This article requests funding to repurpose the town-owned Loring Parsonage into a History Center and Museum.

Sudbury Sudbury Newspaper Digitization

To digitize and make easily accessible to the public the Goodnow Library's historic newspaper collection. $6166. reverted in 2020.

Ashland Sudbury Riverwalk Trail Enhancement Project

Improvements and enhancements to existing Riverwalk Trail around the Sudbury River; project includes design, construction, ADA-compliant trail component and parking, and ADA-compliant observation platform, 2 bridge crossings, and trail improvements such as signage and plantings, and trail extensions.

Deerfield Sugarloaf Street Cemetery

Rehabilitation of Sugarloaf Street cemetery.

Deerfield Sugarloaf Street Cemetery Fence & Landscaping

This is a new phase to complete the granite and wood fencing on the second (north) side of the cemetery.

Deerfield Sugarloaf Street Cemetery Fence & Landscaping

Replacement of disintegrating fence and posts of historic cemetery, landscaping to mask back area chain-link fence, removal of large diseased tree, addition of bench for public use, and installation of an interpretive sign.

Abington Summer Concerts Pt. 1

Lighting installed around open space for town use and summer concerts.

Abington Summer Concerts Pt. 2

Additional funds needed to begin work on the entrance and bridge at Reilly Field used for the Summer Concert series. Funds will be put towards an engineering study and a more detailed bridge design.

Abington Summer Concerts Pt. 2

Improvements to bridge and entrance to town open space and summer concert field.

Northampton Summer Street Community Housing

Preservation of community housing- rehabilitation the building, which supports 8 affordable units.

Duxbury Summer Street Land Purchase (DeLorenzo)

Purchase of approximately 27.32 acres of land. Seller: DeLorenzo Family Trust. Parcel ID: 031-502-047

Weston Sunday Woods

To buy Sunday Woods, 23 acres of open space. The total price was $3.25 million. Seller: Sunday Woods Trust. Map 21, Lot 08 - 00

Sunderland Sunderland Affordable Housing Plan and Studies

Support work by the Town's Housing Committee in planning, site feasibility studies and other preliminary steps towards meeting town and state goals for affordable housing units.

Sunderland Sunderland Congregational Steeple Restoration

The church building has been a prominent Sunderland landmark since the early 1800s, is a listed property in the town's historic district, which is in the National Registry of Historic Places. The restoration includes repairing the copper roof, restoring the bell tower and spire, and replacing knob and tube electrical wiring to code. A preservation restriction will be secured and held by the Town of Sunderland.

Sunderland Sunderland Elementary School Playground

To resurface, remodel and equip the only playground in town. Project includes improving drainage, adding accessible elements, improving safety and adding more opportunities for recreation.

Sunderland Sunderland Historic Records Preservation

Restore and preserve permanent and mandated town records, most are dated before 1900. Preservation has been ongoing for over 15 years with a goal to have the town 's history searchable without further fear of destruction. Project will proceed in phases which will take multiple years.

Sunderland Sunderland Public Library Binding of Historic Books and Documents

Restoration and preservation of of Town Annual Reports and books in the library local history collection needing rebinding.

Sunderland Sunderland Records Preservation and Rehabilitation

Preservation of vital records and creation of a retrieval system for ease of access for conducting records searches and requests, which are required by MA General Laws.

Chelmsford Sundial Wall

The DPW requested a grant for the restoration of the deteriorating stone wall holding the town sundial on the center common.

Chelmsford Sunny Meadow Farm Drainage

Brought forth as an Eagle Scout Project to provide drainage around the greenhouse a building that provides garden friendly access for the handicap

Chelmsford Sunny Meadows Electric Service

To provide electric service to improve agricultural capabilities for about 1 acre of land.

Chelmsford Sunny Meadows Fencing

This request is for fencing to protect 500 sugar maple saplings planted on land leased from the town.

Lincoln Sunnyside Lane affordable units

To construct a two-unit home, and to buy-down 1-2 condos.

Lincoln Sunnyside Lane affordable units

To add an accessory apartment to an existing ranch house, both of which will be reserved as affordable housing

Oak Bluffs Sunset Lake

Install water runoff catch basin, remove junk land fill, establish pathway, plant flowers and grasses and manage invasive species at Sunset Lake Park.

Oak Bluffs Sunset Lake and Lake Park Engineering Study

Complete the design for restoration, including filing and other fees, for storm water retrofit(s), walking path, and plantings around Sunset Lake and Lakeside Park.

Oak Bluffs Sunset Lake and Lake Park Engineering Study

Engineering Study for environmental improvements to Sunset Lake and Lake Park

Oak Bluffs Sunset Lake and Lakeside Park Restoration

Final payment toward grant to restore Sunset Lake and Lakeside Park approved at ATM 2018 for $600,000.

Oak Bluffs Sunset Lake and Lakeside Park Restoration

Restoration of Sunset Lake and Lakeside Park for active and passive recreation by the community group FANS and the Park Commission and Conservation Commission.

Braintree Sunset Lake Drainage improvements

A series of Low Impact Development drainage/rain gardens to capture sheet flow and treat before entering Sunset Lake - match to a non-point grant award from EPA

Grafton Super Park

To build a super park located on the Perreault property behind the Grafton Public Library.

Grafton Super Park

Landscape Master Plan for a new Super Park to replace the one torn down as part of Grafton High School construction.

Salem Superior Court and County Commissioners Building

Create 129 units of mixed-income housing, commercial/institutional and public accessible spaces.

Stoughton Supplemental Funding for COVID Housing Assistance Program

Supplemental funding for rent and mortgage aid for residents affected by the pandemic

Stow Support for development of Habitat for Humanity homes

Support the development of two affordable condo units on Sudbury Road. This is the first time Stow has worked with Habitat for Humanity to created affordable homes. The land has never been developed and has no restriction - CR: Parcel 41, Town Map U01 (1.26 acres). The land was owned by the town and was transferred to SMAHT.

Maynard Support Maynard Conservation Fund - 2010

Add to Conservation Fund in anticipation of land purchases.

Maynard Support Maynard Open Space Plan update

Provide funds for GIS map updates and public opinion poll to update the Town's Open Space Plan

Acton Support Services for Acton Housing Authority

To help fund support services provided by the AHA to their affordable housing tenants

Amherst Supporting Fees for APRs, CRs, and land acquisitions

Additional funds for Open Space supporting fees (appraisals and surveys)

Amherst Supporting Fees for APRs, CRs, and land acquisitions

To fund appraisals and surveys to support the purchase of agricultural preservation restrictions and conservation restrictions, and the acquisition of land.

Amherst Supporting fees for HPRs

To fund appraisals and surveys associated with acquiring historic preservation restrictions.

Rockport Supportive Living

Grant to Supportive Living, Inc., a non-profict organization, for acquiring and renovating a property as housing for persons with brain injuries.

Falmouth Surf Drive Beach Restoration

restoration and nourishment of beach

Nantucket Surfside plan for open space

Survey plan in order to acquire Surfside open space

Kingston Surprise Hose House

Historic Preservation & Restoration of the 1888 Surprise Hose Fire House

Mendon Surveillance Camera at Playground

Replace playground at Memorial Field, ADA accessible, volunteer community build

Upton Surveillance Equipment at Kiwanis

Purchase and install additional surveillance equipment to protect Kiwanis Beach basketball and tennis court areas which are being reconstructed.

Upton Surveillance System at Leland Field

Install surveillance cameras at Leland Recreational Fields located behind Memorial School to monitor activities and protect facilities and equipment shed.

Lexington Survey and Define Affordable Housing Assistance Program

CPA funds were used jointly by the Lexington Housing Partnership and LexHAB to study and define an affordable home ownership program for the Town. This project was an important step in achieving the Town's affordable housing objectives.


Survey of historic buildings and structures

