CPA Projects Database

City/Town Name Description Approval Date
West Newbury Whetstone Greenway

Design and construction of an all-access trail referred to as the "Whetstone Greenway" proposed to be located between River Meadow Drive and Sullivan's Court Extension

Lexington Whipple Hill Trail Repair, Fire Access

This project will reconstruct a wetland crossing/emergency fire access at the Whipple Hill trail system. The upgrades will repair the trial system in accordance with the recommendations of the Conservation Division, Engineering, and Fire Department staff for fire access and to meet the needs of those who use the trail system. The project will also prevent adverse impacts to surrounding wetlands as a result of the soil degradation and erosion along the existing trail.

Lowell Whistler House Museum of Art - Park and Courtyard Project

Capital improvements to the park abutting the Whistler House Museum of Art. The park is open to the public.

Easthampton White Brook Middle School - Football Field

Purchase and installation of athletic field lighting at White Brook Middle School Football Field

Easthampton White Brook Middle School - Football Field

Rehabilitation of existing Football Field

Easthampton White Brook Middle School - Football Field

Engineering, design, and creation of construction documents for Football Field rehabilitation at White Brook Middle School

West Springfield White Church

A 220 year old structure as the White Church has not been a church for over 70 years and is now privately owned. Needed restoration and painting of a historically significant building.

West Springfield White Church

Phase 2 of project was to replace hand railings on exterior of steeple on level 2 & 3

West Springfield White Church

Phase 1 of project was to renovate steeple and paint building exterior

Hamilton White Dot Trail

To fund trail preservation on portions of the White Dot Trail at Chebacco Woods

Cohasset White Family Trust property

Town provided funding to Cohasset Conservation Trust to purchase a 34.17 acre parcel of land known as the White Family property. Quitclaim deed for sale of fee to Cohasset Conservation Trust can be found at Book 34086, Page 510. Town plans to purchase a CR on property. Seller: Cohasset Conservation Trust. Assesors map 7 Plot 2 consisting of 32.4 acres and map 7 plot 43 consisting of 1.67 acres

Lexington White House Historic Structure Report

This appropriation funded a limited Historic Structures Report, which identified historic attributes of the former Hosmer House (now known as the 'White House') determined elements requiring stabilization, future uses and potential sites.

Concord White Pond Beach Access Improvements

Funding for modifications to the property including a new accessible pedestrian pathway from the parking lot to the beach; new steps; accessible parking; wood decking and a wheelchair mat to improve waterfront and restroom access; infiltration basins; drainage improvements and other stormwater improvements to the site.

Concord White Pond Beach Access Improvements

The Town of Concord requests funding for accessibility improvements to the newly acquired White Pond beach area. The project includes the creation of a sloped and accessible walking pathway connecting the parking area to the waterfront, and renovation of the restroom facilities to make them fully accessible.

Concord White Pond Restoration

Funding to restore eroded slopes and remove dilapidated steps on Town land at White Pond, thereby reducing sediment and pollutant loading and improving water quality of the pond. Slope restoration will be accomplished through removal and replacement of old concrete steps, improved and directed access points to minimize slope erosion, and plantings and erosion controls to stabilize eroded slopes in five locations.

Concord White Pond Restoration

Concord's Natural Resources Division will implement recommendations made in the CPA funded White Pond Watershed Maintenance Plan. The proposed work will design and install new erosion controls on Town land adjacent to the Pond and at the State boat launch.

Concord White Pond Watershed Management Plan

Completion of a watershed management plan for White Pond which will provide further information on the existing condition of the Pond and guidance for future work and projects.

Rockport White Wharf Floating Docks

Restoration and rehabilitation of floating docks on White Wharf in town-owned Old Harbor.

Acushnet White's Factory Repairs

Repairs to Historic White's factory.

Acushnet White's Woods

Additional funding for White's Woods purchase.

Acushnet White's Woods

Additional appropriation for White's Woods acquisition

Acushnet White's Woods

A 10-year bond to purchase White's Woods.


The funds shall be utilized to assist in the stabilization and preservation of the small wooden-framed barn located adjacent to the historic White-Ellery House (1970), just off Grant Circle. The barn was built c. 1740 and has been owned by the Museum for many years. Some stabilization work was done in 2009-10, however, additional work urgently needs to be done to save the building. This includes reinforcement of the roof frame; installation of a new wood shingle roof; residing of the building including clapboards, trim, doors, and window coverings; shoring up of the fieldstone foundation; re-grading of the area immediately surrounding the barn to redirect storm water runoff away from the structure; and the installation of a fire detection system and burglar alarm within the building. The barn is listed on the National Register of Historic Sites and the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) holds a preservation restriction on the structure. All work will be done with MHC’s approval and under the supervision of a preservation consultant and the staff of the Cape Ann Museum.

Hopkinton Whitehall Gate House

To supplement funding for the preservation of the Whitehall Gate House

Hopkinton Whitehall Gate House

To fund the preservation of the Whitehall Gate House

Hopkinton Whitehall Trails

Plan, design, construct and improve the trail system within the Whitehall property including the instalation of a gate and parking (4 spaces) area.

Harwich Whitehouse Field Fencing Replacement

Replace fencing around Whitehouse Field.

Harwich Whitehouse Field Improvement Project

Replacement of scoreboard at Whitehouse Field and installation of safety netting and poles in front of spectator berms.

Harwich Whitehouse Field Irrigation System Replacement

Replacement of 20+ year old irrigation system at Whitehouse Field.

Harwich Whitehouse Field Lighting Project

To replace the current 15-year old Whitehouse Field lighting system with a new comprehensive lighting system.

Harwich Whitehouse Field: Design & Install Infield System

Whitehouse Field: Design & Install Infield System

Fairhaven Whitfield Manjiro Carriage House Exterior Restoration

Exterior Restoration of the WMFS Carriage House.

Fairhaven Whitfield-Manjiro Carriage House Restoration Phase 2

Restoration of the Carriage House for the Whitfield-Manjiro Friends Society building where Manjiro Nakahama lived in the 1800’s and for whom the Society, which is dedicated to U.S.-Japanese relations, is named.

Fairhaven Whitfield-Manjiro Friendship Society – Carriage House Cultural Center Project

Whitfield-Manjiro Friendship Society – Carriage House Cultural Center Project

Fairhaven Whitfield-Manjiro Friendship Society – Carriage House Cultural Center Project

Repurposing of the historic WMFS Carriage House into a Cultural Center

Hingham Whiting Memorial Chapel Restoration 2017

Appropriated $40,625 from the Community Preservation General Fund to be used by the High Street Cemetery Association for the restoration of the Whiting Memorial Chapel located at 19 High Street.

Weymouth Whitman's Pond Drawdown

Permit approvals to draw down lake level during the winter to eradicate invasive plant species

Weymouth Whitman's Pond Herbicide Treatment

herbicide treatment for the west cove and main body of water for purpose of clearing out weeds at the boat launch ramp

Weymouth Whitman's Pond Herbicide Treatment

herbicide treatment for recreational portion of Whitman's Pond

Weymouth Whitman's Pond Restoration

Vegetation management action plan for Whitman's Pond

Weymouth Whitman's Pond Restoration

Restore the park/boating shoreline area on Middle Street

Grafton Whitney Park

To fund preservation work at Whitney Park in the New England Village in North Grafton

Weston Whitney Tavern - 171 North Ave.

Purchase of a historic preservation restriction on a circa 1707 salt box home in a National Register Historic District

Hingham Whitney Wharf

To create a park and a pedestrian bridge on historic Whitney Wharf. The park is complete. The bridge was not constructed and $60,000 was returned to the CP Historic Preservation Fund. Funds were rescinded at ATM April 24, 2006

Hingham Whitney Wharf Bridge - Lights

Appropriate $35,000 from the Community Preservation General Fund to be used by the Harbor Development Committee to install lighting along the Whitney Wharf Pedestrian Bridge, Map 51/Lot 01;

Hingham Whitney Wharf Pedestrian Bridge

Additional funds requested to begin the work on Whitney Wharf Pedestrian Bridge due to escalation cost to delay in project.

Hingham Whitney Wharf Pedestrian Bridge

The Town appropriated $275,000 from the Community Preservation General Reserve to be used for recreational purposes by the Harbor Development Committee to fund a project for the surveying, engineering, design, permitting and construction of a pedestrian bridge over the water at the outfall of the Town Brook and connection of the Town Pier area, across an easement to be granted by the owner of 3A Otis Street, to the park at Whitney Wharf (Map 50, Lots 50 and 49 and Map 51, Lot 1) which easement the Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized to accept.

Waltham Whittemore Historical Aspects

Restoration of the historical terrazzo floors of the Whittemore Elementary School.

Arlington Whittemore Park Revitalization Project

This historic preservation project will preserve a historic and cultural resource, improve a recreation opportunity, and revitalize the space around community art and activities. This project includes repairs that will make the park more functional and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This phase of the project will include renovations to the portion of the park in front of the Jefferson Cutter House, including the creation of a circuit path, removal of trees, planting new trees, renovations to the rail corridor, and improvements to the central lawn.

Arlington Whittemore Park Revitalization Study

This project will plan for the revitalization of the Town’s Common next to the Dallin Museum. The park is currently underutilized and will benefit from a comprehensive review of the physical grounds, its role as a congregational space, and its history. Initial ideas for improving the space came from the overall MassDOT work for Massachusetts Avenue, which called attention to its role in the public space improvements along the corridor. This study will build on that work and seek ideas to make it more welcoming. This property holds a preservation restriction created in 1986 by the Massachusetts Historical Commission and the Town of Arlington.

