CPA Projects Database

City/Town Name Description Approval Date
Randolph Theodore Luddington Memorial Park

This is the second phase of the project between the Turner Library and the Central Fire Station. This project promotes recreation activities for residents of all ages while enjoying outdoor open space. This phase will complete the work begun in phase one by enclosing and securing the antenna tower for the Fire Department, installing the game tables and benches along with the bike racks. Grass and native plants along with artwork and site rule signage will be added to round out the space.

Randolph Theodore Luddington Memorial Park

The Theodore Luddington Memorial Park is located between the Turner Free Library and the Randolph Central Fire Station. Some of the existing materials will be re-used and re-worked to create an ADA accessible walkway from Memorial Parkway to Turner Lane. This will enhance pedestrian safety and allow for the creation of a patio area with benches and table games for residents of all ages to enjoy.

Randolph Time Capsule Marker

A time capsule was placed at Stetson Hall back in 2011. The Cannon Committee would like to place a granite marker indicating its location and detailing when it should be opened. This location is fitting since there is a Civil War Monument and the date of opening the capsule is the 200th anniversary of the Civil War.

Randolph Tower Hill Playground

The playground has fallen in disrepair and not been updated since it was used as a school. The existing mulch will be removed and replaced throughout the area; the sand will be removed and new sand put down in the play area; some areas of the play structures will be sanded and repainted to remove rust; new swings will be purchased and installed.

Randolph Tower Hill Playground

The playground has fallen in disrepair and not been updated since it was used as a school. The existing mulch will be removed and replaced throughout the area; the sand will be removed and new sand put down in the play area; some areas of the play structures will be sanded and repainted to remove rust; new swings will be purchased and installed.

Randolph Town Bylaw Archiving Project

To update and recodify the Town Zoning Bylaws. Also, to place them on the Town’s website.

Randolph Town Hall Playground

The current equipment would be removed and disposed of. The area would be cleaned and mulch or other playground friendly substance would be put down. New equipment for pre-school through middle school aged children would be purchased and installed. Tables with coverings would be installed for those utilizing the area and/or employees to enjoy. Fencing would also be repaired and installed surrounding the area.

Randolph Town Hall Rehabilitation

Town Hall is desperately in need of repairs. Trim around the windows and doors will be repaired when possible, with new windows and steel doors being installed. There is also concrete work needed to the facade of the building. The front deck had been repaired and painted previously and it is now in need of replacement. Composite decking will be used to help with maintenance. The clock and related parts including lighting needs complete replacement to restore the clock to proper working order again.

Randolph Town Planner

The Town Planner provides assistance to the CPC, Town Manager and Planning Board in support of the strategic goals of the Town Council through local and regional efforts. They manage the community and economic development efforts of the Town through a wide range of coordination and cooperation with departments, citizens, outside agencies, and other stakeholders. The Planner is responsible for supporting the activities of the Planning Board, the Community Preservation Committee and the Economic Development and Strategic Planning Committees of the Town Council.

Randolph Town Planner

The Town Planner provides assistance to the CPC, Town Manager and Planning Board in support of the strategic goals of the Town Council through local and regional efforts. They manage the community and economic development efforts of the Town through a wide range of coordination and cooperation with departments, citizens, outside agencies, and other stakeholders. The Planner is responsible for supporting the activities of the Planning Board, the Community Preservation Committee and the Economic Development and Strategic Planning Committees of the Town Council.

Randolph Town Planner

The Town Planner provides assistance to the CPC, Town Manager and Planning Board in support of the strategic goals of the Town Council through local and regional efforts. They manage the community and economic development efforts of the Town through a wide range of coordination and cooperation with departments, citizens, outside agencies, and other stakeholders. The Planner is responsible for supporting the activities of the Planning Board, the Community Preservation Committee and the Economic Development and Strategic Planning Committees of the Town Council.

Randolph Turner Free Library Windows/Weatherproofing

The Trustees of the Turner Free Library will replace the leaking “ceiling to floor” windows on the main floor on the Northeast side of the library. The single pane windows overlook the Veteran’s Memorial at the intersection of North Main Street and Memorial Parkway originally installed in 1966. It is expected that the Library will see significant energy savings on heating and cooling costs with the energy efficient windows and will weatherproof the Library as well, preserving the building integrity and ensure it continues to serve residents of all ages for years to come.

Randolph Van Beal Road-Daly Property

The Daly property is a 2.5 acre land purchase that will create a pocket park for the South Main, Maple Street and South Street neighborhoods. The property is a woodland with tall, mature trees that would be a nice place for adults and children to observe birds and wildlife and “have the opportunity to play in the woods.” This purchase would protect in perpetuity a natural woodland.

Randolph Veterans/Family Housing Program

The Veterans and Working Families housing is a first time home buyers program designed to help families purchase single family homes in Randolph in order to stabilize and reinvest in the Town’s housing stock. All single family homes are eligible for the program; however, the program has increased financial incentives for foreclosed single family homes either already foreclosed upon or in the process of being foreclosed. Short sale homes also have increased financial incentives in order to prevent the home from falling into foreclosure.

This is a groundbreaking program in Massachusetts in that it targets families that may have a past or present connection to the Town of Randolph and who make at least 80 percent of median family income up to 100 percent of median family income according to the most recently published Department of Housing Urban Development guidelines. These families are the forgotten folks who are struggling to have a piece of the American Dream. Applicants will be entered into a weighted random lottery for those who meet program requirements. It is the Town’s expectation that people who participate in the program will make improvements to foreclosed or short sale homes that have fallen into disrepair and bring the home back to community standards in order to stabilize a neighborhood.

Randolph Vital Records & Historic Document Preservation-Phase 1

The Town Clerk would like to start the process of digitally scanning & microfilm the vital records and historic documents for generations to come and to assist those seeking historical records or genealogy research. In addition, he will begin the process of rebinding and preserving many books that have sustained damage based on age, general wear and tear and mold. Many of these records could be placed online. Additionally, research time will be significantly reduced with a comprehensive data base of the records.

Randolph War Memorials Lighting

Lighting of the war memorials in front of Town Hall and the ones in Crawford Sq. so residents can experience the history and remember those who have fallen, at times later in the day. Lighting will also be added to the flag poles, so the Town is following proper flag etiquette.

Randolph Young School Tennis Courts

Since the resurfacing of the Young School Tennis Courts back in 2015, the courts have grown even more popular than they were before. Due to regular usage, wear and tear and the weather, the courts need to be completely removed and redone. The current asphalt will be removed and a new court installed and lined and striped for 3 courts. The fencing will also need to be repaired where it can be or replaced. The DPW will be involved with this project to help when they can.

