November 2016 Statewide Trust Fund Distribution Announced

Nov. 16, 2016: The Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) has released the Community Preservation Trust Fund distribution for each CPA municipality. The revenue from this year's trust fund distribution comes solely from the recording fees collected over the past 12 months at the state's Registries of Deeds. In total, nearly $27 million will be distributed to the 158 communities eligible for a distribution.

All CPA communities received a 20.6% match on round one of the trust fund distribution this year. Communities that adopted CPA with a full 3% local property tax surcharge received a higher percentage. Click on the links below for details on this year's distribution and a way to view the specific amounts for each community.

> SPREADSHEET: Click here for the CPA Trust Fund distribution amount for each municipality <

>> PDF VERSION: Click here for the CPA Trust Fund distribution amount for each municipality <<

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For the PDF version, you may have to zoom out considerably after downloading in some browsers. 

While collections for CPA at the Registries of Deeds have increased slightly over the past year, today's distribution is unfortunately much lower than last year's due to the lack of a state budget surplus. That meant we did not receive the $10 million transfer that was included in the FY17 state budget.

To determine the exact distribution each community receives, DOR follows a formula in the CPA legislation that calls for up to three rounds of trust fund distributions. Click here to learn more about how the statewide trust fund distribution works.

Statistics From This Year's Distribution: 

  • Total municipalities qualifying for a trust fund distribution on November 15, 2016: 158
  • Match percentage received by municipalities with a CPA local property tax surcharge of less than 3%: 20.6% 
  • Match percentage received by municipalities with the maximum CPA local property tax surcharge of 3%: Range of 20.9% to 100% 
  • Number of municipalities receiving a full 100% match: 7
  • Total payout in first round distribution: $23,124,647
  • Total payout in second round distribution: $2,313,588
  • Total payout in third round distribution: $1,285,418
  • Total payout for all rounds: $26,723,653

Further Resources: