Woburn Puts CPA to Ballot Vote, New Bedford Moves One Step Closer

June 27, 2014: In the wake of widespread CPA adoption activity this spring, two more communities, New Bedford and Woburn, debated on whether to move the question of CPA adoption to their fall election ballots. Woburn's City Council voted 7-2 at their meeting on Tuesday, June 17th to put CPA on their November ballot. In New Bedford both the City Council Liaison Committee and the full Council, which met Thursday, June 26th, voted to recommend CPA for the fall election ballot. The ordinance now awaits the Mayor's final approval, expected by early July.

Advocates in both cities took recent steps to demonstrate the benefits CPA might have on their community. Woburn debuted a website to make facts and information available to legislatures and the public. The site's content also illustrates projects that CPA could potentially fund in their community and previews estimated CPA costs and revenues. Click here to view the "Woburn Preservation" website.

Woburn joins six other communities that have already moved CPA adoption to their fall ballots. The towns voting next November include Arlington, Berkley, Boxborough, Egremont, Newbury, and Otis.

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