
Beauport Roof Replacement

The four outbuildings to Beauport, the Sleeper-McCann House, were last reroofed in the early 1980s and are now showing signs of advanced deterioration. The wood shingles are cupping and splitting and two of the buildings (Tool Shed and Gate House) leak during heavy rains. The roofs are at the end of their lifespan and need replacement before moisture infiltration causes severe damage.

Beauport Window Conservation

Beauport, Historic New England's most-visited house museum, is a premiere travel destination in the City of Gloucester, a nationally important historic property and a unique educational and cultural resource. The building's location on a natural rock ledge directly above the Atlantic Ocean places it directly in the path of surface water runoff. Current restoration efforts, including the window conservation project, will prevent future moisture penetration, remove potential threats to the building, and mitigate further damage to the historic fabric and collections.

Burnham's Field Phase I

Major renovation to Burnham's Field playground which includes: new playground equipment and refurbish playing surfaces, installation of new pathways and lighting that meet ADA standards including an ADA restroom and appropriate landscaping as part of the overall project.

Burnham's Field Phase I

Phase II -The Friends of Burnham’s Field will complete the renovations of Burnham’s Field from Phase I. To date, the renovation of Burnham’s Field has received $221,791 in Community Block Grant funding, $195,109 from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, $172,000 from the CPA fund, $1349.47 from a Mass. In Motion Grant and $1,400 in private donations. To finish the project, they will complete the walking path loop (370 feet) with asphalt inside the fence along Burnham Street, add three lights to the field.
